Thursday, October 2, 2008

it was sort problem of arrays

how to sort arrays with multiple elements of them?

I have a problem with sort of arrays.

for example

//code start
public static void main(String [] args){
//case 1
//chkBoxPre, chkboxPost, code1, code2
String a1 = {"1","0","42","12"};
String a2 = {"0","1","32","23",};
List a = new ArrayList();

TestBean tb01 = new TestBean();
TestBean tb02 = new TestBean();
List b = new ArrayList();
b.add(tb01 );
b.add(tb02 );

public class TestBean implements Comparable, Serializable{
public int compareTo(Object arg0) {
TestBean tb = (TestBean) arg0;
//play with compareTo
return 1;
return -1;
//code ends

current status
1. it's impossible to sort arrays in a list.

1. so make the array to class shaped like bean.
1.1 the bean implements comparable
1.2 and implements compareTo

Sunday, September 7, 2008


existence shows its history.
I may join it.

I myself am nothing.

it's a block.
one by one.
It's gonna be a castle, a flight, or a bridge.

It tells me to hold it.
I am the history.

Believe myself who believe myself.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Chapter 1
Oracle Database 10g Components and Architecture 1
Chapter 2
Creating and Controlling a Database 75
Chapter 3
Database Storage and Schema Objects 135
Chapter 4
Oracle Net Services 185
Chapter 5
Oracle Shared Server 269
Chapter 6
User Administration and Security 309
Chapter 7
Managing Data With SQL, PL/SQL, and Utilities 357
Chapter 8
Managing Consistency and Concurrency 401
Chapter 9
Proactive Database Maintenance and
Performance Monitoring 431
Chapter 10
Implementing Database Backups 499
Chapter 11
Implementing Database Recovery 543

Sunday, May 25, 2008

oracle silver - confession

I failed oracle silver certification trial on 24 May 2008
I failed sun certification for scea on 17 May 2008

change from I

Saturday, May 17, 2008

[revoltec]Black Getter

splendid joint working
nice toy and model to me

Friday, May 16, 2008

fripan - fissler stainless 24Cm

purpose : soup and hot water for coffee
merit : strong against scratch contrast to coated one

Sunday, April 6, 2008

picnic, sakura

I've been Yoyogi park with Japanese friends, and So.
The weather was perfect and there were a lot of people on the park.
I had fun with them.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

got EF 16-35 USM II L

lovely wide shot...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

ducati CF 8G

my cousin bought me a CF card from Korea.
I don't feel any limit when I set the card in my camera.
Extreme III,
Extreme IV,
and Ducati.
Ducati might be a previous version before Extreme V.
To celebrate ducati version, I bought it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

missing ebookreader

ebook reader that reads pdf...
ebook reader that I can write some note on the pdf...
ebook reader...

Monday, February 25, 2008