Sunday, September 11, 2011

10th Sep 2011 Saturday my glasses

I bought another lindberg glasses frame.
My uncle called me on Thursday to take me Portland on Saturday.
So I studied how to get the glasses shop.
But when I got there, they told me to make reservation for eyesight test.
And they don't have plastic frame of lindberg.
I asked them any recommendation of plastic frame.
A guy showed me several frames and while I was checking on it,
he showed me a model from lindberg. He said it is for clearance sale.
I got it 162.5 with 50% discount.

One thing of my concern is reservation of eyesight test.
A woman on reception desk said to me it would be October on which I can take the test.
I didn't know that. It's another culture that I should've known for American life.
Another thing is applying insurance for glasses.
I am not sure it would be my option, too, but my uncle's glasses are applied and purchased $80 cheaper than with cash.
I may go to the local glasses shop and school health care center for information about insurance.