Friday, September 28, 2012

logitech performance mx mouse

I love this.
When I tried logitech mouse wheel in Japan(2008), the wheel didn't have click-to-click scrolling function.
But I couldn't bare double page back with my previous habu mouse and nerve pain in index finger tip from MX Air.
It was the best choice except
 1. Hyper-fast scrolling which feels too smooth.
         - click-to-click scroll preferred
 2. recharge is plugging usb.                            
         - dock recharge preferred
 3. wireless                                                    
         - bluetooth preferred.

I loved MX Air because of docking charge system.
There is no bluetooth and rechargeable mouse which has click to click scroll function.

So eventually I had to choose Performance MX mouse from logitech.
I found out the toggle function between hyper-fast scroll and click-to-click scroll which made me excited.

- cons
But it still requires wireless usb connector which takes one usb port that I am thinking bluetooth could let it be free
And it requires labor to connect plugging mouse while I am thinking docking system would be much convenient.

I got a new mouse. This is currently the best mouse ever.

Monday, September 3, 2012

swissflex glasses frame

It is quite expensive glasses.

It is very flexible against shock and bending.

But I've read some post for exchanging the frame because it's broken in 2 years.
I expect more than 5 years.

PS: I may change the lenses for my previous lindberg.